Salmon With Whole Grain Pilaf

salmon on whole grain pilafI love whole grains and I am always looking at new ways to incorporate them into the foods that I eat…and my family.

Sometimes straight up whole grains are sometimes really chewy, and may not be the same texture that your and your family are accustomed to with more processed grains.

Here is a recipe for using wheat berries (or hard wheat kernels) that kind of “sneaks” them in. I hardly ever cook single grains anymore. I am always mixing them in different combinations to add variety to our meals. This recipe incorporates wheat berries and brown rice. If you are trying to sneak them in, the trick is to match the type of brown rice to the size and shape of the wheat berry. I used short grain brown rice with wheat berries, which are approximately the same size.

Other trick that I have been adding to my grains is this dehydrated vegetable mix from the bulk barn. I love the added flavor and texture it brings to my dishes. Plus is it low in calories and doesn’t have added salt, sugar or fat, like most bouillon mixes contain.

Hope you enjoy!

 ~ Susan Watson, RD

Salmon With Whole Grain Pilaf

Makes approx. 4-5 servings (with plenty of rice left over for another meal).


  • 1 cup short grain brown rice
  • 1 cup wheat berries
  • 1/2 dehydrated vegetable mix
  • 1 tbsp garlic powder
  • 4 cups water
  • 4 frozen salmon fillets
  • 2 tbsp of marinade or bbq sauce
  • 8 cups frozen vegetables


1. Add rice, wheat berries, dehydrated vegetable mix, and garlic powder into a rice cooker and add water. It will cook for about 30-40 mins.

rice mixHere is the nutrition facts for 1/2 cup off cooked whole grain pilaf (only).

Whole grain pilaf

2. Put frozen vegetables into the slow cooker, turn on for 20-30 mins.

veggiesteamer3. Thaw frozen salmon fillets in bowl of warm water for 2 mins. (just enough time to release the packaging from the salmon.

frozen salmon24. Put salmon on some tinfoil, and drizzle 2 tbsp of your favourite marinade or BBQ sauce. I found this one at (OrganicVille Sesame teriyaki) costco that uses agave nectar as a sweetener. Its low in calories, but a tad high in sodium. You gotta chose your battles some days 🙂 You can also just sprinkle some lemon juice, dill and black pepper on the salmon too.

sauce pic5. Cook salmon on the BBQ or in the oven at 380 degrees for about 20 mins.

6. When all items are done cooking, plate 2 cups of vegetables with 1/2 cup rice pilaf and 4-5 oz of salmon.

THE BEST thing about this recipe is that you can put all the ingredients into the baby bullet and make some amazing baby food! My little one loved it 🙂

sam eating salmon



About alittlenutrition

Susan is passionate about teaching others how to achieve optimal health and wellness by taking the confusion out of nutrition and promoting fun ways to stay active. Susan has been a certified fitness instructor for over 8 years and enjoys teaching yoga, pilates, and fitball classes at Elite Fitness and Dance. However, her main interest in nutrition has led her in the direction of becoming a registered dietitian. Susan completed her undergrad in Human Nutritional Science at the University of Manitoba and has recently completed her dietetic internship with the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. Currently she is now combining her fitness skills with her nutrition knowledge and offering comprehensive nutritional and lifestyle coaching. Prior to becoming a dietitian, Susan worked as a sales executive for a variety of paint manufactures for over 10 years. She created innovative sales initiatives and marketing programs for corporate and independent retails stores. Now with her knowledge of nutrition and her business experience, she helps restaurants and food service operations create healthier meals options for their customers. Susan is highly involved in community health promotion, as she has been appointed to sit on the Recreation and Wellness Commission of Niverville and the Chair person for the South Eastman RHA District Health Advisory Council Western division. She is the co-founder of former the Niverville Active Living and she has put on many community health promotion activities such as: * Lose It For Life - Weight loss / Lifestyle Transformation program * Family Fitness Month…Win A Will Contest * Niverville Fair ~ Smoothie Booth * Community Cholesterol Reduction Challenge * Cooking On A Budget * Couch Potato Race She is a member of the College of Dietitians of Manitoba, Dietitians of Canada, Manitoba Fitness Council and the Canadian Obesity Network. In her spare time, Susan enjoys cooking for her family, gardening, photography and being physically active outdoors with her husband and friends.
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